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Mathematics art workshops

04 July 2018 09:00 AM - 05 July 2018 11:30 AM
Mathematics art workshops

Have you ever drawn maths?

Carine Steyn, from Govan Mbeki Maths Development Centre of Nelson Mandela University will be running free Maths Art workshops to high school mathematics learners at the Art Museum.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018: Grade 8 - 12: The angle on spiralling numbers
We are going to investigate spirolaterals. Spirolaterals are spiraled, structured designs based on a repeated series of commands using length and angle. We will also look at the golden ratio and beautiful spirals in nature and demonstrate how to draw them using simple commands on a computer.

Thursday, 5 July 2018: Grade 10 - 12: The maths of animation  
 How do the modern animation movies make the figures move?  What goes into the design of a figure? We are going to investigate the functions and translations needed to draw simple animation figures and make them move.   

Please note: 
Time: 9h00-11h30 on dates above.
The mathematics art workshops will be free.
All materials will be provided.
Please bring along an apron or old clothes and your own packed lunches.
Booking is essential as only a limited number of children can be accommodated. 
For more information and to book your seat please telephone the Art Museum on 041 506 2000.

Contact Details

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum

1 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, 6001, South Africa
+27 (0)41 506 2000 / Fax: +27 (0)41 586 3234
Please address all correspondence to the Director.

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